
ZIRA x Srce za djecu: A partnership with heart

  • 21.01.2025.

In the noble vision that every child deserves an equal chance at growing up, many local companies have joined the cause, including ZIRA Group. With nearly thirty years of experience, ZIRA is known for its business systems supporting telecom operators worldwide. Yet, ZIRA's impact stretches far beyond its industry, demonstrating its commitment to making a tangible, positive difference in the community through a long-standing partnership with the Heart for Children Association.

Moja kosa tvoja kosa sa Amrom Džeko

  • 20.10.2024.

20. oktobra u SCC-u održana je 6. po redu akcija darivanja kose za projekat “Moja kosa tvoja kosa” u organizaciji Udruženja “Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka”.

Zlatni krug 2024!

  • 15.09.2024.

Udruženje “Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka” i ove godine obilježava Zlatni septembar – mjesec podizanja svijesti o raku kod djece nizom aktivnostiu mjesecu septembru.