Our partners

Play a key role in helping children with cancer and their families


Our partners, donors, and friends are a key part of our story of providing care and help to children with cancer and their families, whether this involves improved laws, money, donations of goods or services, or volunteering. We build these friendly bridges so that our partners and donors can achieve their goals and so that we can come closer to our mission of providing active, continuous, and holistic support to children with cancer and their loved ones.

These are institutions and organizations that contribute to achieving equal rights for children with cancer and their loved ones through their strategic and programming commitment. We actively work with our strategic partners on creating and developing help and support policies for our little patients and on raising pediatric oncology and rehabilitation standards.



Vlada Federacije BiH Vlada Kantona Sarajevo Vakufska direkcija Islamske zajednice u BiH Al Najat Charity Kuwait Raiffeisen Bank dd BiH BH Telecom Grad Sarajevo - Gradska Uprava Min. za rad, soc. politiku i izbjeglice - ZDK Općina Centar Općina Stari Grad Općina Novo Sarajevo Općina Novi Grad Vlada Zeničko-dobojskog kantona Općina Kakanj Predsjednik Republike Srpske Kabinet Potpredsjednice Federacije BIH Potpredsjednik Federacije BiH Općina Visoko Diplomatic WInter Bazar Sarajevo City Centar American Chamber of Commerce in BiH Hayat Austrijska Ambasada Sarajevo Lutrija BiH Hifa Petrol Securitas QSS Sarajevo Violeta Telemach Coca-Cola BH d.o.o. MITA Group Vakufska banka NLB Banka Studio Moderna d.o.o Bingo d.o.o. Fondacija Junuzović Mrkva Nenoline Enterijeri Širbegović Inženjering Centrotrans Minerva Medica Megamix d.o.o Akova Impex Nedim Čopra, Švicarska Nogometni Savez BiH JP BH Pošta Argeta d.o.o. Sarajevo Partner Mikrokreditna Fondacija Mikrokreditna Fondacija Sunrise Triglav Savjetovanje d.o.o Holdina d.o.o. Sinkro Saplast d.o.o. Altermedia d.o.o. Walter Cinema City Sarajevo Zadužbina - Besim Velić Triptih NEWEVENT d.o.o. Sarajevo Hotel Holiday Sarajevo Tondach BiH Euro-Asfalt d.o.o The Brew Pub Konzum BiH Semikem d.o.o. Medical Park Grupa Bolnica – BiH USPIT BiH PU Amel i Nur Mirza Šahović - New York City Marathon 2017 Entente sans frontières a.s.b.l. Petrol BH Oil Company d.o.o EuroExpress Plastron d.o.o - Računovodstvene usluge Profis - Agencija za prevođenje GreenLine d.o.o Sarajevo - Usluge čišćenja Prox d.o.o - STIHL BiH Mustafa Čopelj Planjax Group - Štamparija
