The ECCO 2019 European Cancer Summit on 12-14 September 2019 in Brussels, Belgium will bring together worldwide leaders from cancer care, research, patient advocacy and public-private sectors in a unique multi-stakeholder forum. The theme of the second edition of the ECCO Summit is: European Cancer Care: Across Borders
Reaching the 70:35 Vision for cancer – 70% long term survival for all cancer patients across Europe by 2035 – requires breaking down the borders of cancer care: between countries, professions, sectors and stakeholders.
The ECCO 2019 European Cancer Summit will:
- Debate leading-edge ideas in achieving improvement in cancer care
- Determine consensus resolutions for improving health care systems
- Decide on an action plan for the way forward to ensure ideas translate into policies that will impact daily clinical practice
Lejla Kamerić, our advisor, will represent the Association at this summit.