The Great White House film officially premiered in Sarajevo Cinema City. The 15-minute documentary achieved great success in October by winning the Grand Prix of the Dubrovnik Film Festival 2018 (DUFF) and thus becaming the best film of the 7th Dubrovnik Film Festival.
A beautiful and warm atmosphere, great applause, tears mixed with laughter are a clear indication of the power, emotions and imporession that the film leaves upon viewers. Among the audience were courageous children and parents, friends of the Association, donors, volunteers and many other great people who our work and our children battling cancer and their families. The program of the premiere, which included the address of a group of young cancer survivors - MladiCe, filled the hall with positivity, love and incredible energy.
The Great White House is a documentary film in which cancer survivors, based on their own life experience, discuss optimism, motivation, plans and dreams, now and before the illness.
The film is an autorship work of the young cancer surviors group - MladiCe, under the guidance of their mentor Zoran Ćotić. It was filmed with great enthusiasm and volunteer contribution. In this way, we wanted to show that we constantly need to look for new ways for young people to publicly speak about their problems. The film also shows potential ways of solving these problems.
"This film is the crown of our work so far, and since the film is partly a story about the Parents' House, and the name symbolically alludes to it, it is the crown of the Parent's House work. The premiere of this film is in part an appreciation to all those good people who in any way supported the work of the Parents' House, the work of the Association, and therefore the work of the network of young cancer survivors - MladiCe", said Advija Džambas, a representative of the young cancer survivor network.