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(The most unusual and emotional friendships are being born in the Parents’ House)

Had it not been for the cancer, Ana and Ajna would probably have never met. Their life tracks have not been overlapping in any way. Each girl had lived in its own, separate and tine universe. Now, imagine the meeting of those universes. Can you?

Joined by similar situations, following the diagnosis, and the same will to live on, their lives found the paths towards one another. The first meeting point of those paths was in Sarajevo, at the Hematology-Oncology Department of the Sarajevo Paediatric Clinic, and then they merged firmly at the birthplace of the strongest friendships, the most beautiful smiles and the warmest hugs, at the place where understanding is a daily routine, at the place where you can find comfort in anyone you meet and reliance in any hand reaching out to you. Their paths got the meaning in the Parents’ House.

In this way, the seemingly impossible friendship of Ana (15) from Travnik and Ajna (13) from Sanski Most turned out to be possible at the end of the day. Almost every day they play together, laugh, and love each other. In her tiny voice, Ajna, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, says that she loves her Mum and Dad most and that Ana is her own, and Ana, who is coping with a rib bone tumour, says proudly and loudly that Ajna is her most devoted and best friend. Most of the time they mainly speak with their smiles, hugs and eyes.

What their cancers had demolished, the Parents’ House built up from scratch in just a second…